Monday, March 23, 2015

#8 - Digital Lookbooks in The Fashion Industry

LookBooks are tools that every brand who respects itself should own. Nowadays, there isn’t even one brand that doesn't offer an online store on their website. That being said, a LookBook is important for the brand due to the fact that it is a helpful source for the consumer, buyer, or people interested in shopping with the brand, to see the style and also the looks they are trying to sell. It is more than showing line sheets filled with items that are being made by the designer. It is about selling the vibe that the company is trying to achieve with the right styling, make up, hair and accessories. 

After a quick research my statement is standing still; in every website I went into, I found a digital lookbook which presented the collection with total looks and a certain atmosphere. 
Also, it is crucial to add, actual paper lookbooks aren't gone from this world, they can be found mainly in the showrooms and in stores but with the growing fast past of technology it is a must have tool for every brand, owning a digital lookbook. 

Here are some examples for lookbooks:

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